Sign Software Artifacts with Sigstore Cosign A step-by-step guide on signing code and software artifacts with Sigstore Cosign.
The Muggles Guide to Software Supply Chain Security The muggles guide to software supply chain security, a short compendium.
Discover Intrusions with Canarytokens A brief on discovering intrusions in your network and systems using canarytokens.
What are Canary Tokens? A brief on canary tokens, an easy way to discover network and system intrusions.
Generate SBOMs for Container Images using Syft A brief on generating SBOMs (software bill of materials) for container images using Syft.
What is SBOM? A brief on software bill of materials, or SBOM, and why it is important to software supply chain security.
CSA: Top Threats to Cloud Computing A gist of the CSA publication on Top Threats to Cloud Computing: Pandemic Eleven.
How to Deploy Caddy Server on DigitalOcean App Platform A step-by-step guide to deploying Caddy Server on DigitalOcean App Platform.
How to Deploy a Static Website with Caddy on Railway A step-by-step guide to deploying a static website with Caddy Server on Railway.