The Muggles Guide to Cloud Security Risks and Best Practices The muggles guide to cloud security risks and best practices, a short compendium.
What are Dev Containers? A brief on dev containers, pre-configured Docker containers for fully featured development environments.
Lightweight Remote Desktop with LinuxServer Webtop A brief on setting up a lightweight remote desktop environment with LinuxServer Webtop.
Lightweight Remote Browser with Dockerized Firefox A brief on setting up a lightweight remote browser environment with Dockerized Firefox.
Expose Web Services on Your Home Network with Nginx Proxy Manager A step-by-step guide to exposing web services on your home network with Nginx Proxy Manager.
Open-Source Secret Management with Infisical A step-by-step guide to deploying open-source secret management platform, Infisical, on Railway, Render, and DigitalOcean.
Safe Browsing with Google Cloud Web Risk A brief guide to Google Safe Browsing, a free URL risk assessment service, and its commercial counterpart, Google Cloud Web Risk.
Getting Started with Google Cloud Vertex AI PaLM API A brief guide to getting started with Google Cloud Vertex AI PaLM API, including samples for question-answering and text summarization.
Getting Started with Webhooks: Part 2 - Webhook Clients A comprehensive two-part guide to understanding webhooks; this part focuses on webhook clients.
Getting Started with Webhooks: Part 1 - Webhook Servers A comprehensive two-part guide to understanding webhooks; this part focuses on webhook servers.