OWASP Non-Human Identities (NHI) Top 10 Risks A gist of the latest OWASP Non-Human Identities (NHI) Top 10 risks.
How to Deploy a GitHub Container Image to Google Cloud Run A quick guide to deploying a Docker image from GitHub Container Registry (ghcr.io) to Google Cloud Run.
Generative Q&A with LangChain, Gemini and Chroma A step-by-step guide on generative question-answering with LangChain, Gemini and Chroma.
Stock Financial Analysis with Streamlit and Polygon API A brief on stock financial analysis using Streamlit and Polygon API.
Stock Financial Analysis with Streamlit and YFinance API A brief on stock financial analysis using Streamlit and Yahoo Finance API.
Lessons from CSRB's Review of the Microsoft Exchange Online Intrusion A brief on the lessons learned from CSRB's review of the Microsoft Exchange Online intrusion.
Self-Hosted Jupyter Notebooks for Data Science Professionals A step-by-step guide to self-hosted Jupyter notebook environments for data science professionals.
Addressing Cloud Security Risks: Part 3 - Unauthorised Access A brief on addressing an important cloud security risk - unauthorised access.
Addressing Cloud Security Risks: Part 2 - Credential Theft/Leakage A brief on addressing an important cloud security risk - credential theft/leakage.
Addressing Cloud Security Risks: Part 1 - Misconfiguration A brief on addressing an important cloud security risk - misconfiguration.